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Showing posts with the label Family divorce children custody

Do I Need a Legal Separation?

No. The difference between legal separation and divorce often comes up in family law, and the difference is quite simple. In a legal separation the parties are still married.   "A divorce ends your marriage. After you get divorced, you will be single, and you can marry again.” The Georgia Courts do allow for a type of action similar to legal separation called separate maintenance. "A party who wishes to live apart permanently, but who does not want to get a divorce, may file a separate maintenance action. The spouses will remain legally married although living apart." You do not need a separate maintenance action to move forward with a divorce in Georgia. Some people chose a separate maintenance action due to religious, emotional, or financial reasons.  The legal process for a separate maintenance and an uncontested divorce in Georgia is very similar, so unless both people feel strongly about the separate maintena

Sesame Street: D is for Divorce

By Chris Dyches Dec 12, 2012 5:15 p.m. Things are changing on Sesame Street and the writers behind the major children's series are tackling yet another tough subject... divorce. In an new web series, the Muppet show, which is in its 44th season, will publicly talk about divorced families. "Sesame Street has never shied away from taking on tough topics. If it's a challenge young children face in their lives, it's a challenge Sesame Street would like to help them weather," a blog posted on the Sesame Street website said. "Over the years we have tackled everything from the death of a loved one to helping children through challenging economic times. And now Sesame Workshop is providing tools and resources to help children and parents stay resilient during divorce and separation." Millions of young children experience divorce, and they struggle to understand what exactly is happening. Parents also struggle to explain these changes, if they are a