A Georgia court recently held that "A party may not be held in contempt for violation of a court order unless the order informs him in definite terms as to the duties thereby imposed on him." Morgan v. Morgan, DailyReport S10A1365.
This decision was related to a Agreed Domestic Relations Order (ADRO), but the same would hold true for any type of agreement. It is important to have the correct details in writing. Legal contracts and forms can be found all over the internet these days, however they often do not address your specific concerns. Contracts and agreements should be written to your specific issues and can be catered to your needs. Contact The Law Office of Christine M Bechtold to help you with your legal contract. http://www.bechtold-law.com/Contract.html
This decision was related to a Agreed Domestic Relations Order (ADRO), but the same would hold true for any type of agreement. It is important to have the correct details in writing. Legal contracts and forms can be found all over the internet these days, however they often do not address your specific concerns. Contracts and agreements should be written to your specific issues and can be catered to your needs. Contact The Law Office of Christine M Bechtold to help you with your legal contract. http://www.bechtold-law.com/Contract.html