Yes, you can request a certified copy
of your final divorce Order with the Clerk of Courts where the final
Order was entered. For divorce and family law issues, request a
certified copy from the Superior Court Clerk.
Be sure that you specifically request a
certified copy if that is what you need. A legal certified copy is,
“a copy of a document signed and certified as a true copy by the
officer to whose custody the original is intrusted.”
Some organizations will not accept standard copies and require that
your copy be certified. The Superior Court Clerk can assist you with
a certified copy request. You should contact the Clerk first to be
sure they have the document you will be requesting. Be prepared with
your Civil Action Number, the original names of the parties, the
County where the case was finalized, and the approximate date of the
Order you are requesting. Certified copies are generally only
obtained in person at the Clerk's office. Typical Clerk fees for a
certified copy 1st page is $2.50 and after 1st
page is $0.50/ page. - fees
, - fees.
Gwinnett County Clerk of Courts
Newton County Clerk of Courts
Walton County Clerk of Courts
“The state vital records office will
conduct a search to determine the occurrence of a divorce, and can
issue a confirmation of a divorce.”
However, note that the state vital records office will not provide a
certified copy of your Order, only the Clerk of the Superior Court
can supply a certified copy of the final Order.