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Can I Get Discounted Legal Services for Family Law?

Yes, there are options available for discounted legal services for family law issues.

First, you need to know if you have a criminal or civil case. “Criminal laws are the rules that apply when someone commits a crime, such as assault, robbery, murder, arson, rape and other kinds of crimes.” Civil cases involve those where one person is suing another. Family law cases (divorce, child custody) are civil cases.

“Under U.S. law, if you have been accused of a crime that may lead to jail time, the judge should assign a government-paid lawyer called a public defender or legal aid lawyer to represent you in court...” Public defenders are not assigned for civil cases.

There are resources available for discounted legal services for civil cases. is one whose, “goal is to provide the public with easy Internet access to basic legal information and legal resources in Georgia.” “If you do not live in Georgia and need free or low-cost legal help, visit ”

Other options include contacting the local bar association for references or contacting a local law firm and requesting a flat fee for services. The Law Office of Christine M Bechtold, LLC provides flat fee services for all clients Contact the office today to schedule your free initial consultation and to discuss your family law case.